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Welcome to Go Plus Auto Service in Lyulin 6, Sofia

Front and Rear Axle 3D Wheel Alignment from BGN 60 and Alignment Check from BGN 20
We specialise in Car, Jeep, Van, Truck, and Bus wheel alignment. We've got the latest generation 3D equipment. Skip the queue by booking a visit using the button below, it's fast and easy.
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A Wide Range of New Tyres, Quick and Skilled Replacement and Balance from 14 BGN per Tyre
If safety and reliability are your priority, we'd like to ensure you that at the Go Plus garage for tracking, wheel repair, tyres, batteries, and oil change in Sofia, don't compromise them too. We'll perform a free tracking check when you buy and fit 4 new tyres here.
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Machine Wheel Straightening from BGN 25
We fix bent steel and alloy wheels using precise equipment to prevent premature tyre wear and suspension component damage.
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Light-bulbs Sale and Replacement, Headlight Alignment
You can count on us to fit high-quality bulbs and perform a high-standard light service. We work with the OSRAM range of bulbs. If you are concerned about a long queue in the shop, we advise booking a time before visiting us.
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Battery Sale and Replacement
Do you experience starting issues in the morning? We are here to help. We fit quality high-performance branded batteries by customer's choice.
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Lubricants and Filters Change
We work with high-quality lubricants and filters, fitting brands of your choice. You could avoid waiting by booking your visit in advance.
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GoPlus Auto Service Specialises in Wheel Alignment, Tyres, Wheel Straightening, Battery, Oil and Filter Change

We specialize in front and rear axle wheel alignment, tyre sale and change, distorted wheel repair, battery sale and replacement, oil and filter change in Lyulin 6, Sofia.

Our expert team with many years of combined experience in wheel alignment with modern equipment and car servicing takes care of your safety and peace of mind on the road.

"Here at GoPlus Auto Service, we appreciate and respect our clients and strive to ensure their peace of mind and safety on the road. Therefore, we take care of their vehicles at our best.

The types of services we carry out, such as car, jeep, van, truck, and bus front and rear wheel alignment; tyre change and balance; distorted wheel repair; oil service and filters change; lights check, bulbs replacement, and headlamps adjustment; battery test and replacement and more, we do it focusing on the details.

In our garage work specialists that are going to perform the work carefully and precisely."

Автосервиз GoPlus Люлин 6 София | Реглаж на преден и заден мост, смяна и баланс на гуми, машинно изправяне на джанти, смяна на масло и филтри, проверка и смяна на акумулатори, хотел за гуми.
крик за гуми на бял фон с червена кръгла рамка jack for tyres tires change icon
Front and rear axle tracking
Certainly, you already know why tracking is so important. If you feel pulling to the left or right on a straight flat road, you might consider visiting our shop.
Tyre change and balance
Years of experience, strive for perfection, and ultra-modern equipment for wheel repair.
Oil and filters change
Regular oil and filters change is the care your vehicle needs utmost to be able to serve you reliably.
Bulb change and headlight alignment
Lights in good working condition have many benefits but safety is the most important one. Get to notice other vehicles and get noticed, too.
Battery test and replacement
You need the car but the battery is down? We can check the charging system and replace the battery if necessary.
Tyre Hotel
We've got a convenient 5-star tyre motel with "excellent room service" on the back. You don't have to worry about the room in the basement or the garage anymore.
червена туба за гориво red fuel drum
OSRAM is a brand of superior quality. These bulbs guarantee long-lasting use.
Bulk oil
PEMCO is our prefered oil brand for its outstanding balance between the quality and price.
We stock most of the coolant types to be able to satisfy your needs. Maybe you have to consider a coolant change?
We stock tyres. To exceed your expectations, we'll match a free tracking check to any set of 4 new tyres you buy from us.

Instant stock availability checks by phone.

Full service and price list check.

Workshop hours:

You can schedule your visit even out of our work hours when you can't find us on the phone. The booking process is pretty straightforward, and you get a confirmation email and reminders about your upcoming visit so that you can't miss it.
GoPlus Auto Service is located at a convenient place on the edge of Lyulin 6 with direct access from both 'Tunela' and 'Okolovrasten pat' (the Circular road) sides. Our location makes us easily accessible with convenient public transport connections nearby. Check the map below and request GPS directions via Google Maps.
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