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Tyre Hotel

Tyre Hotel for peace of mind and more room at home

Tyre Hotel is a popular service for peace of mind about your tyre storage that enables more room at home, in the basement, or garage. Go Plus Auto Service in Lyulin 6, Sofia, provides an ideal opportunity for our current and future clients to leave their tyres in our care till the new season. (Up to 8 months storage is included in the price.)

Our team will take good care of your tyres putting the proper labels and placing them away from direct sunlight, rain, and snow. This way, we'll give a star-like feeling to your tyres and yourself. You'll get peace of mind and forget about stumbling across the tyres at home, moving them around, and your spouse's reproach.

When the new season comes, we have the ability and tools to swap your tyres and leave the next batch in our care. If you happen to need new tyres, that's one of the things we specialise in. More about tyre hotel prices, also about tyre sales, tyre change, and balance you can find on our service price list.


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