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3D Реглаж на преден и заден мост – кола, джип, микробус и камион

3D Front and Rear Wheel Alignment - Car, SUV, Van and Truck

3D Front and Rear Wheel Alignment - Car, SUV, Van and Truck

At GoPlus Auto Service, we perform car, SUV, van and truck wheel alignment. We use the latest generation 3D equipment of the Italian garage equipment manufacturer HPA-FAIP that undergoes frequent tests and SW updates to ensure its accurate performance. The manufacturing company is world-renowned with its highest quality automotive repair equipment. Combined with our team's years of experience and mastery in wheel alignment, we'll perform quality tracking at some of the best prices in Sofia.

Correct wheel alignment, also known as tracking, reduces tyre wear and improves the vehicle's stability on the road, resulting in bigger safety and an optimized maintenance budget.

Typical symptoms of misalignment are the steering wheel set to an angle during a straightforward drive or vehicle pull to the left or right side of the road. In any case, it is better to share the details with our professional team when you visit the garage. Having in mind that similar symptoms may appear when a wheel or tyre is damaged, a wheel repair or tyre replacementmight be needed. If that's the case, we can carry out the necessary operations.

Our garage is located in Lyulin 6 and is easily accessible. You can find the exact location on the map below.

What the wheel alignment service consist of: We perform a free tracking check when you buy and fit 4 new tyres in our garage. The regular price of the wheel alignment check is 20 лв. за коли/джипове/микробуси и 30 лв. за камиони. The relevant prices for реглаж са съответно: Car front axle – BGN 50 / Car front and rear axle – BGN 55 ; Jeep and van front axle – BGN 60 / Jeep and van front and rear axle – BGN 65 ; Truck front axle – BGN 120 / Truck front and an additional axle – BGN 170. You can book a visit directly by clicking the button below or by phone. For more information ring by tapping here +359 879 994450


2 thoughts on “3D Реглаж на преден и заден мост – кола, джип, микробус и камион

    • Author gravatar

      Ако волана ми се нужда е от реглаж колко е цялата цена за услугата? 55+20 за проверка или само 55

      • Author gravatar

        Здравейте! Ако желаете проверка и се окаже, че реглажа е наред, заплащате цената на проверката. Ако има нужда от корекция, проверката се конвертира в реглаж и струва съответната цена за вида автомобил и броя регулирани мостове.

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